Monday, December 21, 2009

"Going Home" sung by Libera

Susan Breiddal sent me this link knowing that it would be enjoyed by our community.

"Libera" is a group of 7-13 year old boys who live in south London. The song, "Going home" is apparently an old negro spiritualist work song. It is exquisite.

At the same link, two people have dedicated the song to loved ones who have died recently. I wonder how people who are dying would experience this. Thoughts?


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

BCHPCA Conference, May 2010, Call for Abstracts

Hi all,

Exciting update on the BCHPCA Annual Provincial Conference in Surrey on May 14-15, 2010. The theme will be "Raising the Torch: Expanding the Vision".

Mark your calendars!

The call for abstracts is out. Submission deadline is Jan 28, 2010. Information about online submission can be found at the following link:

We look forward to an inspiring conference. Keynote speakers to be announced soon....


Wonderful update for the BCHPCA conference.

Plans are moving along so well for the annual BCHPCA conference in Surrey BC on May 14-15, 2010. The theme is "Raising the Torch: Expanding the Vision". Keynote speakers are all individuals who are committed to their area of work and are thrilled to be invited to speak... more to come on that.

FYI, the Call for Abstracts is now out. The Submission deadline is January 28, 2010

..." The BC Hospice Palliative Care Association (BCHPCA) invites all interested parties to submit a presentation abstract (oral or workshop) for the upcoming annual conference which will take place in Surrey, BC, May 14-15, 2010. For complete details and the on-line submission form visit:

Submissions will be accepted only via the on-line method and form. Submissions will be reviewed by the abstract review committee and accepted abstract presenters will be notified in February 2010."

I look forward to this conference, it is shaping up to be a stimulating event.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Online webinar series on "Hospice and Palliative Care for the Dialysis Patients"

While I am in the mode of suggesting great online resources I want to mention a valuable educational opportunity available through the MidAtlantic Renal Coalition in the states.

The Renal Coalition has taken key presentations from the NHPCO preconference seminar that I attended in September and developed four webinar presentations. I found this information extremely interesting. It is a wonderful blend of hospice and nephrology.

The presenter is Dr. Alvin Moss, aka "WOODY". In the September blog I described him "this gentleman has such a contagious love and enthusiasm for his field, and greets the topic with the enthusiasm of a kid who has just discovered a chocolate factory!"

“The series Hospice & Palliative Care for Dialysis Patients will explore issues surrounding hospice and palliative care in the dialysis setting. The series is targeted toward renal, hospice and palliative care clinicians who wish to expand their knowledge of end-of-life care for dialysis patients.

Four courses will be held between January and April 2010, covering topics such as the relevance of palliative care and hospice for dialysis patients, pain assessment and management, symptom assessment and management and incorporating palliative care into the dialysis unit."

Here is the link to the webinar flyer, which includes registration materials: .

(Note for Canadians: A portion of each course will probably include discussion of how to help the dialysis patient qualify for hospice benefits.)

This is a program that blends well with the courses and goals of our online learning program... "Death Dying and Palliative Care Education Online" available through . I am happy to refer people to this resource!


Online Suport Group for Canadians who have been diagnosed with cancer and their families/loved ones

I am writing about another innovative online resource.

As part of a nation-wide effort to provide high-quality psychosocial care to all Canadians affected by cancer, several of Canada's leaders in psychosocial oncology partnered to provide counsellor-led online support groups.

These online support groups are available to Canadians who have been diagnosed with cancer and their families/loved ones.

Sessions are free of charge no matter where you live..

Weekly sessions are 1.5 hours long and take place in "real time".

Groups operate continuously throughout the year for 8 - 10 weeks at a time.

If you are interested in attending, or know someone who is, have them call Cancer Chat Canada toll-free at 1-800-663-3333 extension 4955 or 4966, or email

I first heard about this support group when I was in Winnipeg from a lovely warm woman named Jill Taylor Brown. As warm and lovely as Jill is, I really like the idea that in order to attend this group I would not have to fight my fatigue, get dressed, find the car, navigate traffic, find parking etc.! I like the idea of being able to attend the group while I snuggle in front of my fire, look out the window at snow drifts in the fields, or across cool mountain ranges, or listen to the waves lap at the shore…. Hm… sounds like my kind of support group! I look forward to hearing how the groups unfold!

I hope that support groups targeting people caring for those dying with chronic illness will develop a similar program. I image it could really fill a need.

If anyone reading has participated, feel free to comment! (What were you looking out the window at while attending the support group?)


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Exciting project proposal - Music Care Conference with Room 217

Hi all,

Music is an intricate part of life passage and has tremendous therapeutic value. There is such a need for us as caregivers to learn how to use music as part of caregiving. Room 217 Foundation (led by Bev Foster) has submitted an idea to the Aviva Community Fund contest called “Music Care Conference”. This conference would bring together community stakeholders in music and care from across the country to provide both information and inspiration that will have far reaching and prolonged impact on how the effective therapeutic use of music can make a difference to quality of life and well-being.
The way this contest works is that the idea with the most "votes" wins. Voting occurs on a daily basis until December 16th.
Please consider voting on a daily basis.

Click here to register then vote every day until December 16.

Thanks much! And good luck to Room 217!
